Monday, August 31, 2009

It's a good thing I'm a teacher and even better that I have awesome colleagues.

This is my Chinese horoscope for the month of September.
In China this is the month of the Rooster. Goats and Roosters are not fast friends. You Goat people are too funky and airy for their steely taste. So this month may be a bit tougher for you than the last two. Again, your temper may turn out to be your worst enemy. People who want you to conform to their way of doing things irritate you. You are often someone who isn't afraid of compromise and concession, but when it comes to your work life, you can be exceedingly stubborn. The best way for you to manage your over reacting to suggestions you alter your way of approaching a project, would be to adopt a policy of nodding and telling the person or persons politely that you need time to ponder the matter. "Thank you; I will think about this" is all you have to say. Then, take the time to look inward and discover exactly what you think about it. And while you're thinking, try to figure out what transforms you from a creative, ethereal, gentle soul into a raging beast when someone makes a comment about your work. You ought really to take up meditation, see a therapist or attend anger management classes. One thing will sooth your rage this month, and that is children. Either your own or somebody else's kids will be around a lot in September. Play with them and enjoy their innocence. The company of little ones always brings out the best in Goats.
Anger Management? Therapy? Who knew...... 

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Why I Can't Resist Blogging

Since I've begun a new classroom-oriented EduBlog project this year, Grade 5E,  I wasn't sure if I was going to find the time to maintain a personal blog. However, it turns out I can't resist. I LOVE blogging. And even if it becomes hard to find the time, I figure any random collection of posts is worth something to those of you who read my blogs. It is definitely worth something to me, in terms of personal reflection and evaluation of what I've done, where I've come from and who I am. I just read some of my posts from my first blog, Happily Unsettled, which details some of the adventures I had in South Korea the summer before moving to Hong Kong. I cherish those posts like lifelines that revive and rejuvenate a path to my own memories. My second blog, Hong Kong Explorer, compiled quick snip-it views into my life; my 5E Explorers classroom, my holiday trips and my gradual adjustment to a new home in a small flat in a busy city.

Blogging is a valuable investment and commitment to one's own personal reflection. I believe that  life learning isn't as authentic without sufficient time to reflect, evaluate, and create something new out of the experience itself. You invariably indulge deeper into your own experiences by recalling and articulating them for others. Blogging is something that I encourage everyone to try. My students last year showed an incredible maturity as I directed them slowly and carefully through a jungle of responsibilities and considerations, far and above a Grade 5 level of thinking. And they rose above and beyond the challenge. They amazed me, more and more with each post, demonstrating conscientiousness, etiquette and personal dedication to make each post better than the last. Some of the 5E Explorers even continued blogging throughout their summer holidays. I am proud of their abilities and awareness. I feel confident that my students will make the informed choices when it comes to publishing their thoughts for a global audience.

So, here I go again. A new year. A new blog. A very happy Nana :)